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I’m curious to find out if the native shipping integration services we have in Acumatica, does it have the capability to support Multi-batch shipment feature like Starship or other shipping solutions?

If we integrate with EasyPost then can have have this capabilities within Acumatica or do we have to handle the multi-batch (which is multi-shipment of same order to multiple shipping address and it could be same item sent to multiple address of different quantity) 

Any product experts here that can verify and let us know how best to solve this real world scenario? 


I believe it’s about mass label creation and printing.

In Acumatica, once shipments are created per business rules (Sales order to shipments and Ship to information), you can unitize out-of-box Process Shipment -> Confirm Shipment for mass label generation and then Process Shipment -> Print Labels for printing via DeviceHub.

Shipment confirmation process will retrieve label, shipping cost, customs documents (if shipping internationally) from EasyPost (if specified Ship Via is connected to EasyPost plug-in) and will update Acumatica Shipment.
