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After the upgrade to 2022R2, we started having an issue with quick checks for one particular branch, the error appears when users save the checks.

Based on the error message, it looks like the issue is related to the Approval Map. Double checked the map, no visible issues with it. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thank you!


Hi @aborisova37 

Can you share the Trace error? From just that it looks like an approval error. Is there approvals in place for Quick Checks?

Thanks, Kandy @kandybeatty49 . You know what, on the map itself, the employee list somehow got empty even though the employee was selected in the field.

I had to refresh the screen, change the approver type to the ‘workgroup’, change it back to the employee, and re-select the approver from the list that appeared after all these steps. Thanks for your help.


Thanks, Kandy @kandybeatty49 . You know what, on the map itself, the employee list somehow got empty even though the employee was selected in the fiel

I had to refresh the screen, change the approver type to the workgroup, change it back to the employee and and re-select the approver from the list that appeared after all these steps. Thanks for your help.


Happy to have helped 😁
