when i Post this invoice to IN it gives me no error but its not posted to IN
what can cause this problem ?

when i Post this invoice to IN it gives me no error but its not posted to IN
what can cause this problem ?
That appears to have processed successfully. It does not look like an error.
Can you explain more or show more details?
Can you provide more detail please? What stock items, in what amounts are on the Cash Sale document?
(In my demo cash Sales screen, I see only Non-Stock items when I’m entering a Cash Sale.)
That appears to have processed successfully. It does not look like an error.
Can you explain more or show more details?
when i close that dialogue the invoice stays in the screen and isnt posted
That appears to have processed successfully. It does not look like an error.
Can you explain more or show more details?
when i close that dialogue the invoice stays in the screen and isnt posted
But it allows you to post Invoices manually?
Another thought I had was as simple as it sounds, have you tried to clear your cache on your browser? Is the same thing happening to all users or just you?
Another thought I had was as simple as it sounds, have you tried to clear your cache on your browser? Is the same thing happening to all users or just you?
Does it allow you to post the transaction individually?
You can try to post it manually. Does it either not allow you?
Thank you
Are there any messages in the Tools → Trace area?
Are there any messages in the Tools → Trace area?
You can try to post it manually. Does it either not allow you?
Thank you
no it dosent let me to post it
Does it allow you to post the transaction individually?
no it doesnt allow
is it possible to check your GL preferences to see if the “automatically post on release” check box is checked on?
is it possible to check your GL preferences to see if the “automatically post on release” check box is checked on?
i deleted the invoice and made new one
yup it got posted
We are having the same issue, what was the overall solution for this? I am hoping there is another process rather than deleting the invoice.
One of the reason might be - After release, the document goes to unposted status to access rights issue of the user released the invoice. Please review the status of the Released Invoice. Also, review the POST TRANSACTIONS screen for any unposted documents.
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