Posting prepayments for multiple ledger accounts receiving from the same customer
Our customer collects prepayments from the same customer for two different purposes. And these two different prepayments, they credit to two ledger accounts in the current practice.
How can I post prepayments to two ledger accounts receiving from the same customer. Is there any possible way ?
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Hi @dsenevirathne54
The way that it appears that could be done is for your customer to collect the 2 payments and post to the same Ledger. They will then need to do a GL transactions to transfer one payment to another ledger. The payment is going to post to the ledger for which the company is assigned to.
Hi @kbeatty21
I hope by ledger you mean two different ledger accounts within the same ledger . Not two ledgers for two companies.
But if we do a ledger transaction, it will not remain in the system as an prepayment invoice. Will not be able to apply against a bill or invoice. and also it involves multiple manual works.
I have seen a functionality in other ERP systems which it allows to post transactions from same customer group to multiple ledger accounts. (IFS - Combination control functionality)
I’m looking for a method to post transactions automatically without manual intervention.
Hi @dsenevirathne54
I meant 2 different ledgers, that is what you are asking, correct?
If not, then you can post prepayments to separate accounts.
Hi @dsenevirathne54
You can manually change the Prepayment GL account on Payment and application document ( Prepayment ), on Financial detail tab.
Let us know if this helps.
Hi @vkumar ,
Thanks for the comment. I was looking for a method to post to two accounts automatically. without selecting manually.