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Hi Team,

Good Day!

As a practice our company used to print the payment voucher from the checks print process. (Kindly refer the following image 01)

Image 01

In that process one check is only allowed to print at only once. So if we have any issues with the print we are not able to reprint it also we are unable to track the issues.

So my concern is, is there any other way to get the print of the payment voucher from the system ? (Without using the check printing process)


Thanks & Regards / Yashodha

Hi @yashodhalakshini85 


We have reprint point with the same check number 

or are you looking for a preview of print? I dont see a standard Acumatica feature on this,

Could you print it on White paper to confirm if everything is fine? 

Hi @manikantad18 ,

The payments which are not in released yet are able to reprint from this option you have mentioned. I need to reprint if in case after releasing the document. I just need the preview the print again. No need to assign a new number.

Thanks / Yashodha

Hello @yashodhalakshini85 ,

We are not able to reprint checks after they are released. I think this limitation is important for fraud prevention.

If you need to see the items that were paid by each check, look at the Application History tab of Checks and Payments screen, or print the AP Payment Register report for the same check.

AP Payment Register Report shows details of check & stub


Hi @yashodhalakshini85 

I believe we can enable the print check option using workflow but this is something required to verify the feasibility, May be customization required.

