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I created a GL account "999991" in the Parent tenant and attempted to map it to the Consolidation tenant. However, I was unable to locate the corresponding GL account in the Consolidation tenant for mapping purposes.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the Account ID (highlighted in yellow) value differs between the two tenants. Could this discrepancy be the cause of the mapping issue? If so, how can we synchronize the Account ID values to enable mapping between the tenants?



Hello @psoni1585 ,

To add an Account with linked Consolidation account, there are only 2 steps:

Parent Company

Sign into the parent company tenant and navigate to Finance →  Profiles →  Chart of Accounts.  Click + to add a new Account.  In this example we added a new cash account 1014-996:



Child Company

Sign into the child company tenant and navigate to Finance →  Profiles →  Chart of Accounts.  Click + to add a new Account. In the following example we have added Account 1001 SVB Bank to the “Child” company.  In the Consolidation Account field, click the magnifying glass to look up and connect new account 1001 in the child company to the corporate company’s account 1014-996 SVB Bank.

If you can’t link the Child to the Parent, please check the following:

  • New account was added to the correct parent tenant.
  • New Account is Active status in the Parent Tenant.
  • New account was added to the correct child tenant.
  • If Child company chart of accounts screen was open while adding new account to parent tenant, refresh the chart of accounts screen in the child tenant, to pick up newly added accounts.
  • Are Accounts hidden from the logged in user who is setting up the consolidation accounts? Does your company use Restriction Groups to grant or hide access to Accounts from companies or users?  To rule out restriction group conflict, temporarily deactivate GL Account restriction groups, link the consolidation account in the child database, then re-activate restriction groups.
  • Does the User who is configuring the Consolidation account have access to the Consolidation/Parent tenant?
  • Consolidation screen in parent tenant will show you the names of Company/Tenant, Ledger to be consolidated:





Also, the Account ID does not need to match.


Hi @Laura02 

I appreciate your quick assistance in resolving this matter

Now this issue has been solved from my end and now I can see consolidation account in parent tenant to map. 


Thanks :-)
