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In our test environment, we’ve created a Non-Stock ‘Freight Estimate’ item to add to Sales Orders so we can authorize a credit card payment before the shipment.  The ‘Require Shipment’ box is unchecked and the settings for our Sales Order Preferences, Order Type, Shipping Rule, and Non-Stock Item are identical, but in our Live environment it is left off the Shipment (visually), but is pulled onto the Invoice and shows the Shipment # on the line.  This does NOT happen in testing which is the desired behavior.


We have ‘Add zero lines for Items not in Stock’ checked and we give the ‘Freight Estimate’ a quantity of 0.  


Does anyone have any info on why a non-stock item that doesn’t ‘Require Shipment’ is being attached on the back end to the shipment..and messing up our invoices?


This issues has been driving me and our Partner nuts.  Nobody seems to be able to figure it out, so I’m really hoping someone here can help us out.  I can post a ton of more info if needed.  Thanks a ton for any help!

Is there a way to remove the non stock line off the invoice that do not require shipment? 



@amit61 , implementing necessary accounts and subbaccounts defaulting for freight does not seem to be a big deal:

  1. There is the Use Freight Account from setting in order type. In particular, it allows to select freight account from Ship Via to cover the scenario from the previous comment
  2. In the Combine Freight Sub from, there is even wider choce - in particular, you can pull subaccounts and segments from branches or salespersons
  3. If this choice is still not enough, you can override the public  GetFreightAccountAndSubAccount method of the SOInvoiceEntry class


Alternatively, you can deal with a non-stock item havng the ‘Require Shipment’ checked (with order qty = 1, and users having to specify thq qty of this item on each partial shipment as an approximate share of this shipment to the overall order). But this seems to be an inferior option to using premium freight with proper setup of accounts

@mvolshteyn - Thanks for that suggestion. We did try that but we have different types of freight items setup that report differently. For example, we track and report on LTL freight differently than UPS/FedEx and that’s different than international freight. Each of these freight items hit different GL accounts. This allows us to see various types of freight as cost/profit centers. With this setup, we found that using items was better than using the premium freight field. I’d be very interested to learn if there was a better way to do this. Barring a better way, partial shipment of non-stock items would be very helpful.

@amit61 , for such purpose, freight can be specified in the Premium Freight field, wih Freight Allocation beuing setup as Allocate Proportionally in SO Preferences

@mvolshteyn  - one type of situation that arises often for us is that we want to invoice for a non-stock item like freight, but we need to invoice it partially over two invoices. For example, a customer orders multiple items that are back ordered allowed. Have the various items and non-stock freight item on the sales order such that the sales order matches up with the quote. We ship 50% of the items and back order the remainder. Since we only shipped partial, we also only want to invoice for 50% of the freight line. We fully intend to invoice the entire sales order, but by GAAP we can only invoice for services rendered. Therefore, we need the ability to invoice a partial amount.

This situation comes up very often for us. Any solution or work around would be helpful!

All positiions of ‘Misc Charge’ line type present in a sales order and having the unbilled amount > 0  are pulled into invoice. This is the design, which means that everything which is on a sales order is supposed to be sold and therefore invoiced

If for some reason, you do not want to see this non-stock with non zero price in the invoice (though the question arises how you are going to charge actual freight), the easiest way it put up with this item being in invoice, but write a (probably, simple) customization which defaults price to zero for such item in invoices



I just informed you to unpublish the packages in the LIVE, just to eliminate that this issue NOT causing by customizations.


Sure, please let us know if you get a response or found anything on this issue. That will helps us a lot.  


Thanks Naveen.  We don’t have any customizations related to shipments or ‘Create Shipment’.  Haven’t tried unpublishing all of our customizations and testing yet.  That’s a good idea.  We have opened a case and my partner and I are determined to figure this out, even if we find a workaround.  Will certainly come back here and post their/our findings.


Thank you for taking a look! Just knowing something is a bug or requires a deeper investigation and is not just a setting I don’t understand yet really helps out a lot!

Hi @Noah  

Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

I have verified this by having this configuration in the brand new instance, but unable to replicate this issue.

This is an issue strange to me. :upside_down:

We may need to think of the customizations side as well. Is there any customization built on the “Create Shipment” action in Sales Order screen?

Have you unpublished all the packages during the off buzz hours and verified in LIVE?


We are using the default SO order type.  We’ve tried mirroring these settings in the test environment and it continue to work there, but not in LIVE.  Thanks again for taking an interest Naveen!  I think my Partner may have opened a case today about this.

No solution yet. @byates we have that carrier line too, but for us it’s far down on the list of issues to resolve.  


@Naveen B I’ll get you screenshots of those items tomorrow afternoon.  Have to remove some company sensitive info from them first.  Thanks a lot for taking an interest! It’s really appreciated!

@Noah  Can you please share the configuration of the Order Types and Sales Order Preferences screen? 

Also, please attach the “Freight Estimate” Non-Stock Item screen

Similar issue on our end, however it is not non stock item it is pulling the info from the shipment, Shipping Settings, inputs and placing a line item on the invoice that just says the carrier name a price of zero. We too would like that removed.

Did you ever get and answer on this?  We have a similar problem.  Thanks.
