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I am struggling to explain Unposted Journal Transactions. I know there are some issues and some scenarios explained, but for normal people, why there is unposted transactions on the system? They are random, and can have a good explanation for my client, every now and then, when closing the month, there will be uposted journal transactions, and there will be no good answer for those. I have put a schedule to post every night unposted transactions to see if the problem goes away, but still want to have a good answer for them.


Thank you. 

HI @martingaxiola 

Can you trace where they are coming from? Are they from Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, or Inventory? 

It depends on what your schedule is setup for to run. If you are only releasing inventory issues but there were adjustments done, the adjustments will not release unless manually released. Same with things such as invoices and credit memos. If you have a schedule set up for invoices but credit memos, it will only run for invoices. 

Hola @kandybeatty49 

All of them are form the GL Module, some are recurring trans, other reversals. Client does not do AR or Iventory, only AP, GL and FA. The schedule i set it up on the Post Transactions screen from the FInance Module.

Hola @kandybeatty49 

All of them are form the GL Module, some are recurring trans, other reversals. Client does not do AR or Iventory, only AP, GL and FA. The schedule i set it up on the Post Transactions screen from the FInance Module.

Recurring transactions would need to be put on a schedule also to run the same as the rest. Reversals can also be put on a schedule to run daily as you are doing with other transactions. 

I would suggest checking the conditions or Action Name on your schedule of the Post Transactions as it may be excluding things. 


Hola @kandybeatty49 ,


Yes, that is the schedule that I have now, I just dont have a good answer for the “why” it happened.

@martingaxiola I believe the “why” would be the Automatically Post on Release option in each module. If that is unselected the transactions will go into an Unposted status when the documents are released.



Thank you @kandybeatty49 , the Posting setting is set correctly as presented on your screenshot, the configuration is already set to be as you mention, modules with issues is only GL, no other module (That I recall) has had the issue, as of yesterday, i had two more transctions that i fix last night, but I still need to fixed these two, as the client already delivered their numbers for October and they dont want any changes.  



I have the same question as why it happens even if ‘Automatically Post on Release’ is ticked in GL Preferences screen.


Are any of these transactions associated with month end or reversing? It might be that the user is not Financial Supervisor and cannot post to closed periods.

Hola @marina25, I just encounter a case where the autoreversing transactions were being marked as unposted, due to the next period not being active. But I dont have information on that mather for hte original transcations that caused the initial issue. I will do a litlte more research to see if this is the case. 
