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Not sure if anyone know that what problem to caused below error message when i run a new created generic inquiry?



This is an issue with GI creation, we need to check the GI configuration to find out the issue.


Can you please share this GI, so I can take a look and help you if possible.

Hi Naveen B 


Please see below


Hi @erin From the above the screenshots, I see below condition is wrong.. hence you are getting that conversion issue.

It Should be:

ARInvoice.Customer Equals to Customer.BAccountID



Hi Naveen,

Great ! Yes, i manage to run the report .However i noticed that the details is keep repeating under same reference number. not sure which part that i set wrongly




Hi @erin Great 🙂 To check this duplicate records, we need to review the JOINs.. can you please export and share the generic inquiry. I will take a look and help you if I can.



Hi Naveen


Not sure if below is you are referring to?


No @erin NOT this one.

I requested for Generic Inquiry xml format file. Please find the screenshot below for reference.

HI  Naveen


F Y I 

Hi @erin 

Resolved duplicate records issue. Please import and verify this generic inquiry.

