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Data Migration and Old Customer ID

  • 10 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi Team,

We are thinking of to utilize the “Ext Ref Nbr:” in the Screen Id:AR303000 to store the old customer id, however unable to meet a requirement of to be able to lookup for a customer using the old customer id as an option. I appreciate any suggestions on the approach of possible solutions from the community.




A small easy customization to the Customer Preview List that we see when opening customer profiles will expose the Ext. Ref Nbr field for lookup. The same field may easily and quickly be added to reports such as Aging.

Duaring data entry in all screens, the natural process is to simply begin typing the customer’s name. When we type two or more letters of the customers name in the customer id field in any transaction screen, Acumatica will suggest matching customers, making it unnecessary to look up by Old ID Number for normal day to day work. I think looking up by Old Id will rarely be necessary, such as when multiple customers share the same name or when you are trying to compare certain reports back to your old system during migration.


Thank you @Laura02 for confirming my assumption that it would be a customization and I do agree with looking up customer record with other data points rather than by an old ID. Any suggestions on payments made through banks using those old customer account number by Customers and the steps that could be taken to ensure to positive customer experience being provided? 


Really I should have said “A small Change” to the generic inquiry called Customer Preview List will expose the Ext Reference Number field so employees may look up the Old Id and identify customers. No programming code is required to make this change; anyone in the Customizers role can do it in 5 minutes using Customization → Edit Generic Inquiry. Add ExtRefNbr or Account Reference Number field (depending on Acumatica Version) to the Results tab.

Add above field to Results tab of Customer Preview List GI

I don’t have advice about how most people notify their customers that Customer ID changes are needed at the customer’s bank. Someone else will answer this additional question for you.

Thank you.

