We have recently upgraded our client to Acumatica 2023R1. Since the upgrade we have noted that the transactions posted in the GL related to Projects is not accurately reflected with the exchange rates defined in the GL transaction.
A transaciton is created and released in the GL to reclass project costs from one project to another, and a specific exchange rate is updated in the transaction.
GL Transaction in MYR with the exchange rate override 1MYR = 27.3973 JPY

GL transaction in JPY (base currency) at JPY445,590

However, in the Project Transactions, the exchange rate used is the current rate based on the transaction date and post period:

This therefore raises a discrepancy for the same transaciton within the GL compared to the Project Balance.
Prior to the upgrade, users could update the exchange rates as necessary and the same rate would be used in both the GL and the Project transaciton for each transaction.
Please advise if we have missed something. We have turned on Multi-Currency for Projects, and Override Currency and Rates for the relevant Customers for the relevant Projects are also checked.