When a fixed asset is set up the asset class controls the depreciation method, once you have run a few depreciations can the method be changed to another calculation method for this asset?
change depreciation method
A depreciation method can be changed for a fixed asset on the Balance tab of the Fixed Assets (FA303000) form. Please keep in mind that next time you depreciate the asset, the system will recalculate the previously booked depreciation by using the new method and post a catch-up entry. The only exception is switching to RV (Remaining Value) depreciation method which depreciates the net value evenly over the remaining useful life.
I also understand the Remaining Value method. But that is straight line only. Usually when thee differences appear, they are because of calculation differences in the methods, like MACRD or DDM, not straight Line. Therefore, the Remaining Value method is of no “value” here.
This issue makes migrating Fixed Assets very difficult and burdensome. Do you have any other suggestions on how to resolve an issue such as this?
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