We created 02 companies in 01 tenant. The base currency we defined for company A is LKR. The base currency of Company B is SGD. Then there was an error occurred while releasing the invoice. It is as follows. So cant we have two base currencies in our scenario ?
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Hello @yashodhalakshini85,
Can you try the below and see if this helps
On Ledgers form > Lexicon Actual Ledger> On Companies tab delete all companies> save> add companies back
Hi @AmaanFazeer11 ,
No it can’t be done..
Hello @yashodhalakshini85
Is the base currency of all companies that are under the ONELEXICON ledger SGD?
When you select Ledgers, do you see the bellow setup similar to this one?
Hi All,
Thank you so much for your feedback.
Hi @yashodhalakshini85 - Did one of the responses help resolve your issue? If so please mark the appropriate one with “best answer”. Thank you!