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I have a client that wants their report titles to include the following verbiage:

“For the X Months Ending DATE”

Where equals the number of months (in words, not number) the report represents, and DATE is the period end date (in standard MMMM d, YYYY format). 

What is the best formula/format to attain this outcome?

Thank you in advance.

To help with X could you let us know the type of report?  If this is a trailing 6 month P&L it would be different than a YTD P&L.  Please also let us know the first financial period - is the fiscal year structured? 

It is a P&L report.  One version would be for the current period and YTD and the other would be for the current period, YTD, and budget spend comparison.  The X refers to how many months the YTD contains and will change every month.  Additionally, there is a 13th adjustment period that would still need to only state “12 months”.  

I accomplished this using:


='For the ' + IIf(CInt(Left(@StartPeriod,2))<>13,CInt(Left(@StartPeriod,2)),'12') + ' Months'


='Ending ' + IIf(@UseMasterCalendar OR Len(@Organization)=0,  Format('{0: MMMM d, yyyy}', Report.GetPeriodEndDate(0, @StartPeriod) ),  Format( '{0: MMMM d, yyyy}', Report.GetPeriodEndDate(@Organization, @StartPeriod) ) )



I see Robert posted while I worked on my idea.  Nice job, Robert!!


Is the user being prompted for both a Begin Period and an End Period?  Or will the report always be printed from Period 1 to X?

If the report is always printed from Period 1 to X then something like this might work:

=' For the ' + (

iif(@EndPeriod = '01',’One Month ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '02', ’Two Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '03', ’Three Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '04', ’Four Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '05', ’Five Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '06', ’Six Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '07', ’Seven Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '08', ’Eight Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '09', ’Nine Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '10', ’Ten Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '11', ’Eleven Months ended ’,

iif( @EndPeriod = '12', ’Twelve Months ended ’,) + Report.GetPeriodEndDate(@EndPeriod)


If the report could be printed for any range, like periods 3 to 6 or 6 to 12, etc., versus always starting with period 1, then I think the iff statement needed will be too long. Acumatica will trucate the IIF statement - the report designer can only accept so many characters - There is a limit.

Disclaimers:  1) I didn’t test this idea, 2) I am not a programmer.



Thank you both so much.  I really appreciate the quick response.  I am sure my client will be very pleased with the results!  Have a great day.

@bsullivan08 happy to help!
