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I think this may be a bug in the system so I wanted to throw it out there in case anyone ever runs across it. We have had it happen to a client twice and I finally figured out what it is. 

The transaction itself will be set to a certain period, but the detail lines of the transaction get posted to a different period. 

How I have seen this happen:

  1. The client has “Restrict Access to Closed Periods” selected
  2. The previous periods are closed
  3. Client enters a transaction for a previous period and gets the warning message
    1. In our case, they were fixing a transaction so they reversed a transaction
  4. We go in and Uncheck “Restrict Access to Closed Periods” and open the periods
  5. The client posts the transaction they created

We realized there was an issue when they ran financials and the changes were not appearing in the historical month and instead appeared in the first open period. I went back to the transaction. The Date, and Period ID were set correctly. In the Details section, I added the Period ID column and there was the problem. 

Funny enough, when I go to reverse the transaction to correct it, it changes the periods IDs at the detail level to match the header transaction date. I could have just changed the date, but I’m not one of those people. For the reverse to work, I had to check “restrict access to closed periods” and close the periods, then reverse the transaction, uncheck the setting and open the periods back. 

Picture for the non-believers


I think this is by design. 





@Dmitrii Naumov 

Really? I find that kind of strange since the system doesn’t make it obvious that it is happening unless you add the period ID to the detail section. Either way, we know how to avoid it now which is great. Hopefully, this will just be a good explanation on how to fix if anyone else has problems with it. 

@rebeckamckinney53 Actually, I’ve tried locally and was not able to observe the same behavior. 

Could you please share the exact Acumatica build version and the list of published customizations?
