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Hi Everyone

Not sure if anyone know that the new dashboard widget - Link in accumatica 2021R2 can add in the finance report link into dashboard? Which mean we can just click the link and it can direct to show the financial report that we required?


Hi @erin ,  Yes, we can create Link Dashboard and when we click on this it will redirected to the selected Form.

I just checked with the  Sales Order Report and it is worked properly. Please find the steps below.


Select the Link 


Select the Required Report here, also parameters if any


Link Dashboard


When we click on Dashboard it is redirected to report



@Naveen B, Can a Dashboard parameter be passed to the Parameters as shown below?  If so, how should that be written in the Widget Properties?    Thanks!


Hi @KellyBurns74 you may want to post this as a new question if you don’t get a response. Thanks!
