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Hi. I created a business event to send a notification of a sales quote created based on the amount. The issue I am facing now is that the business event send out notification on quotes that were sent out on past dates (if a person makes changes to the sales quotes created on previous dates). I need the notification to only send out sales quotes created today only. Please can you help me out.

@LungileNjakazi37 Can you please let us know what Trigger Conditions that you have added?

Also, can you please add any screenshots that help us to review.

Hi @LungileNjakazi37 

You might have created the Business event to Trigger By Record Change, Please try setting a trigger condition as Created date > Equals > @Today

Hi @LungileNjakazi37 

Please set the GI condition = Today, Business event should be created using automation schedule functionality and setup the schedule run at 10PM Everyday to trigger an email,



Hi @LungileNjakazi37 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
