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Hello - 

One of our properties prepared a batch of payments, and only 4 came through into the standard approval routing, on “Pending Approval” status. The remaining checks are still “On Hold” and they appear to be stuck there. I cannot remove Hold, or change the status in anyway. Does anyone know what may be causing this?


Thank you Laura! Sorry for the delay in response. We found the issue, which was tied to issues with a specific vendor, strangely resulting in all checks being stuck “on hold”.

Appreciate your response!


Do you have customizations to the payment processing functions? If so, please try temporarily un-publishing customizations,  to see whether the payments can be approved or removed from hold.

If you compare one vendor whose payment worked, to another whose payment did not, is there any difference (like vendor status)?

Have the vendors whose payments are on hold been paid using the same method successfully in the past?

Does it make any difference to temporarily disable approvals?


Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @mdyer!
