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I found this discussion post: 

In which it says you can select a template for sending an Email.   
I have tried this in our Sandbox environment and noticed that it doesn’t pick up the dynamically inserted fields or links we’ve created in the template, NOR does it pick up the addressee.

Here is the template:


Now, when I open the a shipment and select this template, it populates the text but it does NOT bring in ANY of the dynamic data fields that I have underlined:


Are we doing something wrong?



@K2a  -  Do you have the Salesperson email address available in a field on the Sales Order?  Or are looking for a way to link the Salesperson ID?  One way I’ve handled the latter is to add an Employee CC recipient in the Mailing and Printing settings at the customer level.  The biggest downside of this is it can be a lot of effort to keep up-to date if you have a lot of Salespersons and/or Customers or if salesperson assignments change frequently. 



@ehylinski - thanks for this, I need to CC the Salesperson from the SO (email addy).  That’s the one field that always gets us on most queries because you have leap through a few tables to get to it. 

That’s the only one i’m  missing


Ya it’s a new GI and that was reason I referred back to the SO302000 screen was to get it to work, but how do I edit the SO302000 query to add the fields I need?

You could customize the Shipment’s screen (SO302000) to add any of the fields that aren’t currently available - but based on the fields in your template, I think you might be able to get by without that. I attached the XML for the template that I used to create Email activity below, you can give that a try to see if it works for you.  This assumes that the TO  email address is the Ship-To Contact email. The tracking is just plain text here, but can be turned into a link in the HTML editor.  





@K2a - 

Is the source Screen for the Email Template no longer the Shipments (SO.30.20.00) screen then?  If so, I don’t know that you will be able to add a new Email Activity from the Shipment screen and use the SELECT TEMPLATE action to populate the values from the selected Shipment.  You could use a Business Event triggered by action if you’re source is a GI.  


Ya it’s a new GI and that was reason I referred back to the SO302000 screen was to get it to work, but how do I edit the SO302000 query to add the fields I need?

@K2a - 

Is the source Screen for the Email Template no longer the Shipments (SO.30.20.00) screen then?  If so, I don’t know that you will be able to add a new Email Activity from the Shipment screen and use the SELECT TEMPLATE action to populate the values from the selected Shipment.  You could use a Business Event triggered by action if you’re source is a GI.  


@K2a - it looks like it populated the ((Shipping_Contact.Attention)) in the greeting.  For the other placeholders, did you select the values from the INSERT->DATAFIELD list or copy them from another template?  Wondering if the SOOrder and SOContact are available in the list or if they have different name in the Shipments Screen (SO.30.20.00).  That’s gotten me before.  



I think you may be partially right.

I changed the GI used for the screen...however when I change it back it still doesn’t seem to pick up the new values.


@K2a - it looks like it populated the ((Shipping_Contact.Attention)) in the greeting.  For the other placeholders, did you select the values from the INSERT->DATAFIELD list or copy them from another template?  Wondering if the SOOrder and SOContact are available in the list or if they have different name in the Shipments Screen (SO.30.20.00).  That’s gotten me before.  


