How to build link to project in GI that has functional navigation in the mobile app
I have built a GI against projects (we have an attribute called "delivery date" ) to give our delivery drivers a view of what they need to deliver to site from the facory today. The GI works nice and comes across to the mobile app real well, but I want to have it so that the delivery driver can tap on the project in his filtered view and it will open the correct project for him to upload photos of proof of delivery directly to the project. Currently they have to jump out of the delivery view and search in the project for it.
Example of how today's deliveries look in the app... If only we could just tap on these …
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@DanielStarke I have not tested it but I believe you should do something like below
@DanielStarke If possible, can you please share you Acumatica GI and let me know for which field you wanted to provide the HyperLink to navigate to Project?
Thank you @Naveen B - I'll be interested to see what you suggest!
Hi @DanielStarke, I worked on it and removed few of the custom attributes from GI (Since those custom attributes are not available in my instance) and added this GI to the mobile application.
You already added the navigation in the GI for the Project ID, and when we click on it is redirecting to the Projects screen.
I have added this GI to mobile application, without adding extra code to redirection and in Mobile it is redirecting to the respective Project successfully when we tap the project.
I have added the code and screenshots below, let me know if I miss anything here.
Thank you for looking at it. It's not quite what I had in mind, I was hoping to get to the full project - eg the screen shown below. This would allow a delivery driver to tap the paper clip and upload photos as proof of delivery. Basically, we build windows for houses and the last step of a project is to take them out to site and deliver and install the same.
@DanielStarke You wanted to see all the tabs information on the mobile app, when we redirected to the Projects?
Well, technically that would not be needed, as in, we just need the ability to upload files. but i thought it would be easiest to build a deep link, much like is in the mobile notifcations, something like:
@DanielStarke I have not tested it but I believe you should do something like below
I tried this @Vinay K - It didnt work. Our installation partner does not know how to assist me on the app - is anyone interested in some freelance work?
Hi @DanielStarke If my understanding is correct, you are looking for a change to the Generic Inquiry to show only the Projects assigned to the logged-in Driver. Please confirm.
@ChandrasekharM , not really, the correct information is showing to the driver, I just want him to be able to open the project and add / alter information on it, including taking photos of the goods once he has delivered them
@DanielStarke Basically, after delivering the goods by the Driver, we need to provide feasibility to upload the images to the Project, which are related to goods.
Yes @Naveen B !
Also to update a couple of relevant attributes such as a delivery note that will write back to the project for accounts team for example. Once we can figure out how to get the paperclip showing on this GI and a way to update one attribute (or a way to redirect to open the full project) I'll be away and sorted
Hi @DanielStarke I just worked on it and after opening the project, I can able to upload the images into the project. Please find the screenshots for reference.
We can see Upload button here
Uploaded Image to the Project
Yes exactly... My question is, how do we jump from the record showing on the delivery schedule, thru to that screen?
In Mobile, Open a GI (Delivery Schedule - AKL), this GI will show you the projects.
Tap on the required project, it will take you to the Project screen and display the project details.
Once Project is opened then we can see attribute and once deliver the goods, you can update your custom attributes like Delivery Note and etc.
Also, we can see the Upload and Camera buttons, where we can upload/take the new pictures.
After delivering the goods by the driver, he can take the pictures and upload these pictures to FIELS section in the Project screen
Let me know if I’m missing anything here.
Perfect. That's exactly the solution I want to have. Not sure how to get to this tho? Pretty sure it will involve publishing a customisation
Yes @DanielStarke I almost don this and it is customization and it requires publishing activity.
As far as I can tell this hasn’t been answered. I too would like to add a GI to the mobile app (Appointments) where the user could select an appointment (like in the UI) and have that appointment open in editable format, vs the static view only data that is displayed now.