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Formating Dollars & Dates in Notification Templates

  • 27 January 2022
  • 12 replies

I have created an email notification in Email Notification for ACH payments that includes the date and amount of the bills and payments in the email, but the formatting is not carrying over from the formatting on the records in Acumatica. An example of my email is below:


Payment of $2850 is in process from via ACH for the following transaction details:

    Bill - 123456 - 9/2/2021 12:00:00 AM - Services Provided - $1500
    Bill - 123568 - 8/23/2021 12:00:00 AM - Services Provided - $1350


Is there a way to get the date formatted without the timestamp and the numbers to format with a comma and decimal point along with the zeros?

12 replies

I need the exact same thing for the Dates. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

I have not found a way to do this either.


For the dates I do this: 

Cdate(Right('0'+CStr(Month([EPActivityApprove.Date])),2) + '/'+ Right('0'+CStr(Day([EPActivityApprove.Date])),2) + '/' + Cstr(Year([EPActivityApprove.Date])))


for the number I do this: 

in the format of the field #0.00


Hope this helps. 


Userlevel 3
Badge +1

This does not seem to carry over to the notification template. It looks fine on the GI but when you insert that field in the Notification template you get what Therese is showing in her example

Userlevel 7

Hi @Therese Ertler were you able to resolve your issue? Thank you!

Userlevel 1

Not yet, but I will be sure to post the solution if it is not received on this post.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@Therese Ertler This is pretty clunky, but it did work for me to display a short date in notification templates

A formula like this in the GI should work.

=CStr(Month([ARInvoice.DocDate])) + '/' + CStr(Day([ARInvoice.DocDate])) + '/' + CStr(Year( [ARInvoice.DocDate] ))

@Therese Ertler This is pretty clunky, but it did work for me to display a short date in notification templates

A formula like this in the GI should work.

=CStr(Month([ARInvoice.DocDate])) + '/' + CStr(Day([ARInvoice.DocDate])) + '/' + CStr(Year( [ARInvoice.DocDate] ))


Hi, where did you put this formula in GI? I added this formula in RESULTS GRID > Style, but didn’t work in Notification Templates.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@hainguyen This formula was added in the results grid formula / expression for the field.

@scottstanaland12 Thank you! It works.

Userlevel 6
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It seems like the Generic Inquiry just hands the data (not the formatting) to the Notification Template. It would be nice if Acumatica could build data formatting functionality into the Notification Templates (SM204003) screen.

Most promising thread I’ve found on the topic, which is about Notification Template dates, and all answers are about GI formatting. Missed the point there guys.

So a related question: Is there a way to just insert the current data into a Notification Template?
Could this be done with HTML code, which Notification Templates seem to support?

Use would be to put the current date in an Invoice email.
