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What does the error code mean and how do you fix it? It’s showing up when you click on an email under time and expenses, all emails, failed emails tab. One of the emails is our own internal user so I know that email is valid and the sending email account does not show it in sent items so it does not look like an issue with the email client.

I have a customer who received this error as well, on a batch of notifications being sent to vendors:


Hi @shawnhutsko5 and @donnadeskins55 This is an error related SMTP configurations and email settings.



The fix for this is that the last message on your last page has an incorrect email (could be spelling, that account doesn’t exist, or was blocked by their company). Once that has been corrected resend and if it runs into another bad address it will give the same error. Talking to an Acumatica rep they don’t know why it doesn’t skip over the bad address/s and continue sending the rest.

@donnadeskins55 @ChandrasekharM   

Hello everyone,

The issue was fixed in the following builds and can also be found via ou Known Issues pages (it has workaround @shawnhutsko5 described in the last comments as well):

AC-163628: If processing of an email from a batch failed, the 503 5.5.1 Bad sequence of commands error message was shown and processing of other emails in the batch failed too.
Workaround: Process the email with the 503 5.5.1 Bad sequence of commands error message separately from other emails.

Hi @Irina Thanks for letting us know the fix.

