Configure Role/User Security with a new UI pane/panel
Creating and Associating security rights based on a tree view can be very time consuming and very difficult to complete without undergoing many sessions.
Create a Security Assignment Function where when invoked, the admin user’s environment includes a new panel to select roles based on the screen and/or field the user is present on. See attached mockup
security assignment screen
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As an added bonus, when in this mode, put check boxes next to every field and add a select all. This way, security administrator when performing this function can select many fields to a role(s) at once.
This is genius, thank you.
On Access rights by screen, to locate the screen user is presently on, one can use Tools > Access rights option. This takes him to ‘Access rights by screen’ and points to the item on tree view.
Thanks Vijay. This is good functionality and definitely helpful for those who don’t know about it, but it doesn’t quite solve the ease of use issues as when you are setting up a lot of screens for security. Remember there are over 1000 entries in the site map, combine that with the number of fields/actions in each screen and you have quite a bit of work to completely setup security throughout Acumatica.
Tools Access Rights doesn’t help at the field level.
Hi @gmercede,
I am the ERP Product Manager - Product Success here at Acumatica and would like to discuss this post. We are currently gathering requirements for Pre-Defined User Roles/Security for the Distribution Edition which we are planning for an upcoming release.
I would like to send you a meeting invite so we can discuss this topic further.