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Is it possible for a given item from a given vendor to have different costs based on the vendor warehouse or plant?


i.e. vendor X has multiple locations A and B

Item Y from Vendor X, location A has a cost of ‘a’

Item Y from Vendor X, location B has a cost of ‘b’


Any insight, greatly appreciated.


Hi @dmaxwell 

At warehouse location level, one can have cost layer per location but not per vendor/ per location. This can be done by checking ‘Cost separately’ column on warehouse location section for required location


One can setup Warehouse level vendor price as well, but not warehouse location level vendor price.

Hope this helps,



Thanks VIjay. Is there no way to have a vendor with multiple physical locations and still have one billing entity for the vendor?  Or is there a way to have separate vendors each their own location/price and then aggregate these vendors for billing purposes?

any insight or ideas, greatly appreciated

Hi @dmaxwell were you able to figure this one out? Thanks!

@Chris Hackett thanks for reaching out.  No unfortunately we haven’t figure out a way to do this as it seems to only be possible to have one location by vendor. Was thinking if we had a company that we buy from with multiple locations we could just set up multiple vendors w different locations and have these aggregated at the company level. Open to any suggestions you may have. 
