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Just updated to version 2022 R2.  Previously inventory was automatically updated at time of invoice.  Since the update, IN updates at shipment confirmation.  Where is this change coming from?  And how do I change it back?  Thanks in advance.

I deactivated the Auto Scheduler and it seems to be working with the one test order I ran. 

@manikantad18Yes! Now what?   


if an automtion schedule is setup then all your shipment inventory is update before invoice created and released.


@manikantad18 Yes! Now what?   


Hi @melaniemascato62 

Do you have automation schedule for Update IN in process shipment screens?


@kandybeatty49 I did review that previously and in Quick Processing the only thing currently checked is Create Shipment. 

HI @melaniemascato62 

Please see this older thread and check these settings:

Automatic Update IN when shipping | Community (

I am somewhat new here so please bare with me in the simplicity of my response. 

Sales Order automatically creates shipment (when inventory is avail & within promise date requirements).  My warehouse confirms shipment manually.  Upon shipment confirmation, the inventory is updating automatically.  Oddly, Update IN is still an open option which doesn’t make sense to me.  I assume there is some automation that changed but I can’t find it. 

I need for IN to update upon invoice release. 


Hi @melaniemascato62 

Could you please provide the steps that you are following and what was happening?

What is the expected results? No workflow changes in 20r2 related to update?


