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Is it possible to set a default warehouse only for transfer order?

We knew their location configuration at the warehouse level. 

Looking to see if there is a way to set a default location only in case of transfer orders. 


Yes, set the default warehouse on the stock item on the general tab.

I tested this in the Acumatica demo tenant and created a transfer order that automatically populated the correct warehouse.

I was also under the same impression that this needs customization. Thanks for the confirmation @iqraharrison48  and @kandybeatty49 

Hi @deebhane 

There is currently nothing out of the box to set it by order type. As @iqraharrison48 stated, you would need a customization. 

@deebhane this sounds like you are trying to set up a field to default based off the order type.  I did not see anything in the order type preferences that would allow you to specify the default warehouse.  this might require a customization
