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Attempting to overwrite assigned Inventory IDs to new Item Classes. The Item Classes show that the Purchase Unit for the SKU is set to EACH.



When attempting the import scenario we continue to get the following error. 


Error: 'Purchase Unit' cannot be empty.

Any suggestions on how to overwrite an item to a new Item Class and bypass this error. I have attempted to inject in the scenario Vendor > Purchase Unit > =’EACH’ and =EACH with no success.

Hi @leppley 

I dont see the Item class in the Mapping.

can you check please?

@manikantad18 it is the 6th row up from the bottom.

Hi @leppley 

Two dialog boxes why?

Can you share the import scenario xml file?

@manikantad18 I fixed the issue - thank you for the assistance.

HI @leppley Can you update the solution here?

When removing the duplicate <Dialog Answer> and then placing the <Dialog Answer> before the Vendors > Line Number that corrected issue.


