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SO Shipments moving inventory in transit

  • 5 February 2021
  • 13 replies

Hello, apologies for the long question.

I am working to setup Acumatica and noticed the handling of inventory for Sales Order shipments is different than every system I have worked on in the past. With our current configuration, when you create shipment for a Sales order you stop just short of Updating IN. This is because one you Update IN it creates the inventory COGS transaction on the PL. We do not invoice and recognize the revenue, until the product is delivered to our customers. So if you do Update IN this creates a disconnect between revenue and expense (not an option). However, if you do not Update IN the inventory remains “On Hand” at the warehouse and all reporting shows those quantities on hand. What I would prefer to see is that inventory moved to In Transit until the SO is invoices at which time the inventory is expenses and the Receivable is created. Due to the inventory remaining ON Hand I am having a difficult time reconciling physical counts at our sites and creates a huge amount of manual calculation to back out the true in transit inventory. I know there is a inventory metric for Available, but that is not included in any mass inventory reports. Meaning I can only look at that by item/Whse. 


So two questions:

  1. Is there not a way to configure the Update IN to move the inventory to In Transit (much like a 2-step Transfer does) and the inventory is expensed at the time of Invoicing?
  2. I don’t see a report that included Available inventory that I can run for all items/sites? Is this a custom report request?

Thank you very much.

No need to apologize for the long question!  This is what the community needs!


I don’t have a full answer, but you are not alone.  There are multiple questions concerning pretty much the same thing: the difficulty understanding/working with the Availability Calculations.  Unfortunately, almost all of those questions don’t receive answers (at least not publicly).  We can only hope it’s being addressed internally.


For your needs, it sound like they could be met by customizing the various reports to include the correct Availability Data Field.  This is actually pretty easy and an area where Acumatica is great!  Check out the documentation on Report Designer.  You may need to simply replace the ‘= INSiteStatus.QtyOnHand]’ with ‘=yINSiteStatus.QtyAvail]’ or ‘=aINSiteStatus.QtyHardAvail]’.  QtyHardAvail, also called ‘Available for Shipping’ is the Physical Quantity in the warehouse.  QtyAvail, also called Available, is the metric that is adjusted based on changes to the Availability Calculations Rules...or so I’m pretty sure after many many hours trying to figure it out:grin:

Thanks very much for your reply Noah. Appreciate the input here!



Hello Good night:


Do you know if there is a bug about update the fiel IN TRANSIT, when I received in Transfer receipt?

I am working with the build 22 102 0054

thank you 

Hello Good night:


Do you know if there is a bug about update the fiel IN TRANSIT, when I received in Transfer receipt?

I am working with the build 22 102 0054

thank you 

I do not see anything in the Release Notes, what is the issue/error you are seeing?


I create a case in Acumatica, but if you have a comment, it will be great.

Thank so much

Hi @victoravila63 

A few things here, as the screen shots were a but blurry.

Is the issue that after receiving the Transfer, the items are still in the IN Transit on the inventory summary? When you received the item, did you select a location that it would be put into? Did you also try to run the Validate Inventory again?

Sorry but I don’t understand:

 did you select a location that it would be put into

But the error is fixed if I run validate run.

¿Does This bug exist?, and what do you recomend? 

Thank you


The location has the transfer allowed


Sorry but I don’t understand:

 did you select a location that it would be put into

But the error is fixed if I run validate run.

¿Does This bug exist?, and what do you recomend? 

Thank you


This may be a bug in your system. I tested this in mine and it did not keep any items In-Transit.

I would suggest to wait for Acumatica’s response. 


I don’t kow what build do you check it?

I check by myself this version  22.105.0031 and it worked OK.

But I like to be sure.

Great again thank you




I don’t kow what build do you check it?

I check by myself this version  22.105.0031 and it worked OK.

But I like to be sure.

Great again thank you

My build for my version is 22.108.0023


