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Hi Team,

We don’t see the Relations View in the base graph SOOrderEntry or Extended graphs, whereas available in the aspx.

Could you please help us how to access that view in the custom extension graph of the our customization.



Thanks & Regards,

Vidyakeerthi K

Hi @vidyakeerthik ,

Below is the view used in Code to insert Relations tab Record while creating Sales order (CRCreateSalesOrder graph).

PXFilterable(new Typey]

public FbqlSelect<SelectFromBase<CRRelation, TypeArrayOf<IFbqlJoin>.Append<TypeArrayOf<IFbqlJoin>.Append<TypeArrayOf<IFbqlJoin>.Append<TypeArrayOf<IFbqlJoin>.Empty, FbqlJoins.Left<Contact>.On<PX.Data.BQL.BqlOperand<True, PX.Data.BQL.IBqlBool>.IsEqual<False>>>, FbqlJoins.Left<BAccount>.On<PX.Data.BQL.BqlOperand<True, PX.Data.BQL.IBqlBool>.IsEqual<False>>>, FbqlJoins.Left<Users>.On<PX.Data.BQL.BqlOperand<True, PX.Data.BQL.IBqlBool>.IsEqual<False>>>>.Order<By<PX.Data.BQL.BqlField<CRRelation.createdDateTime, PX.Data.BQL.IBqlDateTime>.Asc>>, CRRelation>.View Relations;

Hope, it helps!




Thanks, this helps. We will try it and update you.

Appreciate the quick response.



Thanks for your response. Yes, it’s visible on the UI. Was looking to access the view of that grid from the code.

Hi @vidyakeerthik, I just found this extension in SOOrderEntry_CRRelationDetailsExt with an inheritance of this below. Maybe you can access the view “Relations” now using that. in CRRelationDetailsExt, you can see the Relations view there. Hope this help.

  public class CRRelationExt : CRRelationDetailsExt<SOOrderEntry, SOOrder, SOOrder.noteID>


@vidyakeerthik  On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, the Relations tab is shown only if the Customer Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Can you check if you have this feature is enabled?
