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In Purchase Order Create Time Approve and reject action perform through Rest Api

I can’t Find action To perform approve purchase Order 

Please try like below on the postman.

Url - Instanceurl/entity/TEST/20.200.001/PurchaseOrder/POApprove
Method  - Post



    "entity": {

        "Type": {

            "value": "Normal"


        "OrderNbr": {

            "value": "PO001587"



    "parameters": {}


Hi @DharmandarKumar ,

Please follow the below steps to add the approve and Reject action on the endpoint. By default, We don't have the action for the purchase order entity.

  • Open the Webservice endpoint screen
  • Select the Endpoint and select the Entity “Purchase Order”
  • Expand the entity and select Actions and click on the Insert button on the top on top.
  • A popup will open. Select the action “Approve” from the selector
  • And click on OK. If the name already exists, rename the action name.
  • Do the same for Reject action.

Now you can try from the postman. You can able to approve /reject the PO Order.

