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No MRP.  Just repleneshments.

On stock item I put Min max method.  reorder point of 2.  Max QTY of 500.

There are 20 on hand.

I run Prepare replenishments and nothing shows in the screen.

I uncheck “Only suggested items” and every part shows including this one.  

Why would it not be showing with “Only suggested items” checked?


Everyone, thanks for your responses!

Umesh, thanks for pointing out the obvious.  My brain must have been stuck in idle this morning!

Hi @ltussing03 

I would look at the replenishment class and the settings for that. What is the Replenishment Class and the Seasonality?

As @umeshramaswamy82  there is no replenishment due currently, but you can override that on the Prepare Replenishment:

Once you process, you can then go to Create Purchase Orders and create the PO’s


Hello @ltussing03 ,


It will not show under “Only Suggested Items” checked because there is no requirement for this part to be shown. Your Onhand qty of 20 is above Reorder point of 2, Hence you have enough stock and no need to replenish this item in question.

With Only Suggested item unchecked it will show items but if you observe Qty to Process is zero for the item because you have enough stock and nothing is recommended for Replenishment.





Thanks for the responses.

I have tried over-riding at the warehouse level with the same settings, same results.

I have unchecked “me”.

Hi @ltussing03

Can you provide a print screen of the item replenishment tab from the stock item tab?  Do you have replenishment overridden at the warehouse level?


David Eichner, CPA

Hi @ltussing03 

Can you show the Replenishment Parameters on that Stock Item?

Also, on the Prepare Replinshment, Is the Me checkbox checked?

