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When we figuring out stock depletion, we often run into trouble with quantities on open blanket purchase orders. For example, we will look at inventory summary and inventory allocation to see a list all current inventory on hand, supply and demand. However, there doesn’t seem to be any report tied to the inventory item that includes quantities open on a blanket PO. As a result, contracts reflected in blanket PO’s are overlooked when we’re planning the phase out of an item resulting in all sorts of issues like restocking fees, large scrap values or modifying deployment plans.

Is there any way to have visibility to open blanket PO quantities when looking at inventory summary or allocation? Is there any reason that these screens wouldn’t/shouldn’t include quantities on blanket PO?

I would recommend looking at the Blanket Purchase Order Details by Inventory Item.  This will show the blanket POs for every item, the open quantity and the remaining quantity.  It will also show the order date and the date the blanket PO is set to expire.  

Hi Eric -


Thanks for that. I’m aware of that screen however my main issue is that it’s an extra step which can be easily overlooked. It’s counter-intuitive that inventory summary shows all supply & demand, including PO’s, but specifically does not show supply from blanket POs.

Hi @amit61 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Unfortunately, not yet

The only other option I’ve seen used is a standard PO with multiple lines, each with a different due date with the last line being the balance and an attribute created to use as a user defined field for the PO to identify the expiration date but it would be a manual process to manage.  
