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Need backordered lines to print on Pick List

  • 14 April 2021
  • 3 replies

Is there an easy way to get non shipping (backordered) items to print on the pick list? We need visibility on the pick list so our warehouse people can look into other options when picking. Any help would be appreciated :)
Thank you!

Hi, @stacy16  In my opinion, for this requirement, it's better to come up with a new Report instead of touching the existing Pick List report in the Shipments screen.


The purpose of Pick List is - 

This Pick List report displays a picklist for the selected shipment as a ready-to-print document. The document provides the list of items to be picked from various locations for the selected shipment. Quantity, weight, and volume information is provided for each item, and the total weight and volume are specified at the bottom of the document.


It will change the meaning of Pick List if we include the back-ordered status items from the Sales Order.



@stacy16 you can add a subreport to the pick list that will show the back ordered items separately. There was a similar discussion around showing back ordered items on invoices here.

Post above has the wrong URL -- it’s here for a solution that covers the SO Invoice. Same concept can be adapted to the picklist too: 

