In our process, we buy product from a vendor. However this vendor is able to offer product produced at various locations. We need to be able to identify the producing location for regulations. Right now we add locations but in order for the purchase order to print correctly as being purchased from the main vendor all addresses have to be the main vendor and not the location. Is there a current way to add a vendor location with it's address but be able to have the purchase order report print the "corporate address"?
Multiple Vendor Address Locations However Purchase From Address is Corporate Address Not Location
I think there are a few ways to approach this.
In the Report Designer, Create a Join from the Vendor table to the Address table file using the DefAddressID to AddressID (MainVendorAddr) & a join from the Vendor table to the Contact table (MainVendorContact) using the DefContactID & ContactID (this will get you the Default Address & Contact for the vendor)
Then change or duplicate the TO address textbox value to use the MainVendorAddr instead of the current VendorAddress
If you need this for just a single vendor, you can set a Visible Condition on the textbox (if copied) or use the iif statement if changing the existing textbox
You could also create a new section for that vendor & make the changes there. There are two sections currently based on the PayToVendor
I hope this helps!
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