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Hi all,


How do I populate all the lot/serial number and expiry date per InventoryID in Report Designer like this:


The lot/serial or expiry date need to display per InventoryID

This is the value from expression editor (InventoryID Description field)

=IIf(fARTran.InventoryID]<>Null, Format( '{1}', ,ARTran.InventoryID],]ARTran.TranDesc]),)ARTran.TranDesc])



I found other topics from here in community and I followed their combination in Build Schema but it’s not working for me 

Link: (Print Batch/Lot no. and expiry date on invoice | Community (


This is my build schema:

I added the ARTran Left INLotSerialStatus table and the parent field below

INLotSerialStatus.inventoryID Equal ARTran.inventoryID

INLotSerialStatus.lotSerialNbr Equal ARTran.lotSerialNbr


This is all my table:



I think I missed a table to combine the relation. Can you help me with my concern?




Hi @acumaticapm182! Have you tried basing your report off the Lot/Serial Number (IN613000) report?

This is setup to already show the items, the lot/serial, and the expirey date.




I found another solution on how to populate beside of inventory item the Expiration Date and the Lot/Serial number


Here’s the code in Variable field


=IIf(=ARTran.InventoryID_description]<>Null, uARTran.InventoryID_description]+'{br}','')

+IIf(+ARTran.ExpireDate]<>Null, uARTran.ExpireDate]+'{br}','')

+IIf(+ARTran.LotSerialNbr]<>Null, uARTran.LotSerialNbr]+'{br}','')







Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @acumaticapm182 !
