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We have set the Quantity and Price/Cost decimal place to 4, as shown below:

But the in Purchase Order window Ext. Cost is still showing in 2 decimal place, see below:


How to change Ext. Cost also to 4 decimal place ?




Hi @Snath, The currency Screen also has a Decimal Precision field. Please try extending your currency to 4 decimal places and see whether that changes Ext. Cost to 4 decimal places.


Hi @laura01, I think you are correct. Decimal Precision for USD is set to 2, see below:

It is disabled for USD, how to change decimal place  ?

I tried changing for another currency and I got below warning:

Changing the precision of a currency in which transactions are recorded may lead to negative consequences, including the impossibility of processing documents in this currency. Do you want to continue?

So what impact transactions will have in changing the currency decimal place.




Hi @snath  In the Purchase Orders screen → PO Line → CuryExtCost field is the DBCurrency field but NOT the PRICE?COST field. If we need to modify the precision, we need to modify it at the Currencies screen. Please find the screenshot for reference.




Hello @Snath,

I didn’t realize from the original post that your currency is USD.  US Dollars has only 2 decimal points.  Obviously, you do not want to create documents that cannot be processed!  The behavior of Acumatica that you show in your original post is now correct for US Dollars:  Document lines and document totals will round to the nearest cent, 2 decimal places in US Dollars. I think you want to accept these amounts because in Acumatica we can pay or be paid by the line. You need all payments to work.   
