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My company is newer to Acumatica (since April 2020) and our old software (Everest) used to be able to handle transactions in this way very easily, here is a hypothetical scenario:

We are a car dealer and a customer is making a purchase of a new vehicle. The vehicle is in my inventory as a whole unit. The customer wants to upgrade the wheels on the vehicle, so we need to swap them out. We take 4 wheels out of our stock and install them on the vehicle then restock into inventory the 4 wheels that originally came on the vehicle. Then we sell the car. We can later sell the 4 original wheels to another customer.

In Everest you can simply use a negative quantity (-4 wheels) on the sales order which in this case would bring 4 of the original wheels back into our inventory stock. Then put positive 4 of the new style wheels on the same sales order, effectively "swapping out" or "trading back" the wheels.

This type of transaction happens ALL THE TIME, multiple times daily here at my company and I have not found a good way to do it within Acumatica. 

Thank you,
Matt Devine

Power Eagle USA

Hi @matt87 


You should be able to do this if you use the SO Invoice document (ScreenID: SO303000) instead of the Sales Order > Shipment > AR Invoice process. 

You need to enable the ‘Advanced SO Invoices’ option on the ‘Enable/ Disable’ feature list to be able to add Stock items on the SO invoice screen. 

Here is the Inventory GL batch generated for the IN issue document 


Hope this helps,



Howdy Everest user, I totally hear you about how simple it was in Everest (Psst we built it too), but was is it the right way to handle inventory and accounting, maybe not but it worked grt… 

With Acumatica there is no feature to swap your item, in the past we worked with an Everest customer who swaps tires on their trailer and this was a feature they requested to customize and we built a small module which sits on Sales order/invoice allows to swap with a click of a button, though they use a different ERP software, you may have to customize if you need this in Acumatica and consider to update inventory and accounting entries accordingly for integrity of the records.

Hope this helps.


@vkumar Thank you for taking the time to help! This may be the solution we need!


Thank you @hsarjapur for the reply. 

We now have to manually track certain item sales and do a monthly inventory adjustment to account for the items being traded back. Problem is 1) it’s labor intensive, and 2) Inventory is never accurate.

Do you have any suggestions to efficiently handle transactions like this, aside from a customization? 


Thank you,

I would suggest looking into the various order types for customer returns. The ‘RM’ order type (generic authorized return) sounds close to what you’re looking to accomplish. You can also create custom order types and automation steps to better fit your business processes.

Thank you @hsarjapur for the reply. 

We now have to manually track certain item sales and do a monthly inventory adjustment to account for the items being traded back. Problem is 1) it’s labor intensive, and 2) Inventory is never accurate.

Do you have any suggestions to efficiently handle transactions like this, aside from a customization? 


Thank you,
Matt, I don’t want to suggest without knowing the entire scope of your business, you can take a look at Kit assembly feature, which will track all your inventory when you assemble/dis-assembly and then put the finished goods on sales order/invoice, just another way of doing it …. if that helps ..


