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Once we create a purchase receipt and release it, the only way I find to “back it out” is via a return. Is there a way to delete a purchase receipt or is doing a return the only way? Thank you in advance!

How do you reverse a 2-Step Transfer with an improperly dated Transfer Purchase Receipt? The Return function asks for a Vendor, this isn’t Vendor based, it’s a 2-step TR, ideally I would just put all the goods back on the shipment and re-receive with the correct date.

Hi all, I see this has been a few months ago but I have a related question. After you have processed the return and the receipt, is there a way to pair them in the system easily so that it clears them out of the available returns and receipts for further processing? We have several of these backed up for a couple a years and need to get them gone. Thanks!!

Once a purchase receipt has been released, a return is the only way to reverse the transaction.  If the receipt is on hold or in a balanced status, it can be deleted.

Hello @CodyK ,

Entering a return is the correct answer. :-)

