My company adds $3.75 handling fee to outbound UPS shipments. This amount is added to the freight cost we incur from the carrier (UPS), the sum of the two quantities (freight cost + our handling fee) are combined and billed to the customer on their invoice.
I see handling charges can be added using SHIPPING TERMS, which can be assigned within CUSTOMER CLASSES. However, if I have a sale that is delivered via my company’s truck or if the customer picks up at my facility there should not be a shipping and handling charge.
I’d like to avoid relying on users to manually change the SHIPPING TERMS on a sales order each time there is a customer pickup or deliver via our truck.
Is there a way to attach the shipping and handling charge to SHIP VIA or CARRIER so this is automated? There must be something I’m missing in order to accomplish this. We are not the only company to use freight padding.
Thank you,