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why this payload is giving me an Error:422 "error": "Inserting 'Address' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.; CountryID: 'Country' cannot be empty.",

"Status": {"value": "Active"},
"EmployeeID": {"value": "CRIC123789"},
"EmployeeName": {"value": "Doe, Jane"},
"APAccount": {"value": "ACCOUNT123"},
"APSubaccount": {"value": "000000"},
"ExpenseAccount": {"value": "ACCOUNT456"},
"PaymentMethod": {"value": "CHECK"},
"PrepaymentSubaccount": {"value": "000000"},
"SalesAccount": {"value": "ACCOUNT789"},
"TaxZone": {}

"BranchID": {"value": "CRIC012345"},
"Calendar": {"value": "NEWCAL1234"},
"CurrencyID": {"value": "USD"},
"CurrencyRateTypeID": {"value": "SPOT"},
"DepartmentID": {"value": "1"},
"EmployeeClass": {"value": "EMPCLASSNE"}
"LastName": {"value": "Doe"}

Hello, I am not a developer but I know when I manually choose a country in Acumatica, I need to use the official 2-digit abbreviation for the country, not the full name. Did you try IN , not ‘India’?


Hi laura,

thanks for replying back..


i’ve resolved my issue and the problem was 

in APi’s

it is considering the “country” as the abbrebviation(IN) and not the “countryID

and also the object “Address” is a sub-object of “ContactInfo” whereas i was considering it as a different object itself


Here is the Correct Payload.. You can have a look at it

Acumatica create Employee payload:

    "Status": {"value": "Active"},
    "EmployeeID": {"value": "CRIC123789"},
    "EmployeeName": {"value": "Doe, Jane"},
        "APAccount": {"value": "ACCOUNT123"},
        "APSubaccount": {"value": "000000"},
        "ExpenseAccount": {"value": "ACCOUNT456"},
        "PaymentMethod": {"value": "CHECK"},
        "PrepaymentSubaccount": {"value": "000000"},
        "SalesAccount": {"value": "ACCOUNT789"},
        "TaxZone": {}
        "BranchID": {"value": "CRIC012345"},
        "Calendar": {"value": "NEWCAL1234"},
        "CurrencyID": {"value": "USD"},
        "CurrencyRateTypeID": {"value": "SPOT"},
        "DepartmentID": {"value": "1"},
        "EmployeeClass": {"value": "EMPCLASSNE"}
        "LastName": {"value": "Doe"},




Thank you

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @farhanshaik !
