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Hello, I’m using this blog post to hopefully allow our team to manually resend shipment notifications:

In doing so I’m getting an error that the custom template I’ve created cannot be found. 

I have created a customization and added code to the SHipments screen to create a new button on the shipments screen “resend ship confirmation”:


I created a new report and added it to the sitemap:

​​​​I have created the notification template and referenced it in the mailings screen on both Sales Order Preferences AND made sure it shows on the customer mailings:




It does create the button which is nice, but When I go to the shipment and try to launch the email it tells me it cannot find the notification:



I have even tried using the notificationID number found in the URL and that does not work either, Any thoughts of what I’m missing?!

I believe you'd want to use 'ShipmentNotificationConfirmationB2B-2'


Alternatively, you can search a Customer's Mailings for a report with code. If you're interested, I think I have a snippet somehow.

@K2a - Were you able to resolve this?
