I want to create a GI that shows all set emails along with a column for the number of attachments. It’s looking like I need to join the email table to NoteDoc, but it doesn’t look like this is just a PK relationship. Can anyone guide me on how to set up that join or redirect me to the correct kind of join?
Once joined, I think I can just do a count on NoteDoc to find the tally. Is that correct?
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My minimal investigation suggests NoteDoc.NoteID = SMEmail.RefNoteID
Thanks @darylbowman . It doesn’t look like joining to NoteDoc is the right path. Files are stored in UploadFile it seems. Inspection of files attached to an email lead me to CREmailActivityMaint (not a DB table). I’m struggling to figure out how to join emails to files. Any other thoughts.
Btw, I also tried CRActivity, but that doesn’t seem to be the path either.
No, I think you’re right.
SMEmail.RefNoteID = NoteDoc.NoteID
NoteDoc.FileID = UploadFile.FileID
You’re right that NoteDoc is not where the files are stored, but I believe Count(NoteDoc.FileID) would correctly return the number of files.
The element inspector thingy doesn’t really work on the Files dialog.
Thanks @darylbowman . Unfortunately, that didn’t do it either. I’m seeing 0’s and 2’s where there should be 1’s. I found another way to solve my immediate problem. I’d still be interested in knowing how to do this, though, if you or anyone else has a solution. My GI is attached.
Hi @joshatsbp were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
Hey @Chris Hackett . I solved the problem that required this GI but in a different fashion. Unfortunately, none of the solutions here panned out.