I created a PO in the PO002081, and the status is saying Awaiting Link. This is linked to SO SO007474, so I don’t understand why it is saying this instead of Open. Can you please advise?
A screen shot will help us to understand and answer. Thank you!
The Awaiting Link will normally appear if you create a create a Drop Ship PO first and it is to show it is waiting for the link to the Sales Order lines. If you then create the sales order for the customer and add the item and then press the PO Link on the Sales Order line and select it and save it. When you save the Sales Order the PO will then update to Open

I created a PO in the PO002081, and the status is saying Awaiting Link. This is linked to SO SO007474, so I don’t understand why it is saying this instead of Open. Can you please advise?
Can you show me the screen shot of the PO as the status of the PO on the Sales Order is saying the PO us is On Hold
Can you show me the screen shot of the PO as the status of the PO on the Sales Order is saying the PO us is On Hold
On Hold already Remove
Can you show me the screen shot of the PO as the status of the PO on the Sales Order is saying the PO us is On Hold

Very strange can you give me a screenshot of the shipping tab of the purchase order.
- Retype quantity on the Sales Order lines (to recreate allocations without orphaned links to drop-ship PO)
- Link to purchase order through PO Link normally
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