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Desired End State:

Be able to track our prospecting efforts and cross reference them to other source campaigns. These efforts are to allow us visibility into where an opportunity comes from, and whether that contact in that opportunity has

had a touch point during any other source campaign.

Current Idea:

We currently utilize source campaigns to reflect the following:

               -Marketing efforts

               -Industry Events

               -Trade Shows

The idea is to create a source campaign, “Prospecting 2024” for the purposes of this conversation, that we can track when we do those types of activities.

Ex. We walk into a new client’s office to drop off our info, and we meet a contact who provides us some information that turns into an opportunity. We then track that by selecting the source campaign of “Prospecting 2024” under that opportunity.

Then, we can download the different campaign lists and cross reference them by contact name to see if they had multiple touch points.

Ex. Did they also attend a trade show we were at, did they get a mailer, did they go to an industry event, etc.

Would this be the most effective way to cross reference those leads that come directly from prospecting, or is there an option which would allow us to do that in a quicker and more effective manner?



Hi @jeremybuenrostro 

You can use the Campaign summary in the Marketing module to track the information of the campaigns


If you need to add more fields to this screen to cross reference with other information you can modify the generic inquiry to see if it will help you to get the correct information

Also you can create your own dashboard in the marketing manager dashboard (DB000014) with the information that needs to be tracked by the source campaign



Hi @jeremybuenrostro 

You can use the Campaign summary in the Marketing module to track the information of the campaigns


If you need to add more fields to this screen to cross reference with other information you can modify the generic inquiry to see if it will help you to get the correct information

Also you can create your own dashboard in the marketing manager dashboard (DB000014) with the information that needs to be tracked by the source campaign




@KushaniPerera88 Thank you for this information. The campaign summary makes it easy to track campaigns, though there is one piece missing that maybe you could facilitate.

Currently, we would like to be able to cross reference the “members” of each campaign to track whether or not they have been a part of multiple campaigns. We believe that there is not a great way to do that inside Acumatica, and that we would have to pull campaigns into Excel and run a VLookup to confirm whether they have or not. Any insight into that?

Thanks for the help!


