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I have added a Parent/Child screen that both parent and child are Grid. When I select the Parent Grid row and insert rows to the child grid are parent/child fields are filled and saved in the child grid properly. However, when I switch from one row to another row in the parent grid, the child grid values are not refereshed. In both parent and child grid, SyncPosition=”True” and Navigate CommitChanges="True" are set to true. Even on the parent grid row selected events, I have add an event handler to referesh the child grid view using command “ApprovalRouteDefaultsView.View.RequestRefresh();” to refresh the Child Grid view but not sure what I missing that it doesnt work. When on the parent child grid I click on the “Refresh” button, it shows the correct data.

@aaghaei  Great 🙂 Thanks for sharing the update.

Thanks @Naveen B, I had done all correct. Just needed to add the below to my parent grid. All fixed now.

		<AutoCallBack Command="Refresh" Target="ApprovalRouteDefaultsGrid" ActiveBehavior="True">
<Behavior RepaintControlsIDs="ApprovalRouteDefaultsGrid" BlockPage="True" CommitChanges="False" ></Behavior>


Hi @aaghaei  Below article written by Sergey and expalined about Parent and Child grid relationship.


Hope you followed all the steps provided in the above article, if still, you are getting any issues, please let me know.
