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does anyone know what the character limits for the following areas on the on the change order/requests forms: 

Change Request Detailed Description Tab & Summary Level description
Change Request Estimation Tab - line level description

i am also curious to know the character limits on the change order form for the same areas (summary description, line level description, and detailed description


also, if there is an easy way to find out myself, i would love to know :)



Description fields typically are 256 characters but you can brows to the DAC properties of each field to see the exact length. Detail Description is a multiline text varchar(max) that might differ depending on your DB provider but I would say if you are on SQL it can go up to 65,555 bytes combined row but I have seen Acumatica has limited it to 8,000 if I recall correctly in the DAC properties.

If you need you can increase the char length by using customization project 

Hi @iqraharrison48 

Along with what @aaghaei  stated, you can view in the DAC for those characters

