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I was able to add a UDF for verbiage I want on the change order screen but now can’t figure out how to add it to the column configuration

@katiedavison UDF cannot be added to column configuration as it based on attributes and links to different tables. In case you want to add any field to column configuration, customization is required.

Hello @katiedavison ,

Can you show where you are trying to add the attribute?  UDF attributes may be added to the Change Order Preview List, via Customization → Edit Generic Inquiry.

screen PM3080PL

I added a quick example Change Order Attribute. As soon as I connect it to the Change Orders screen, it is ‘magically’ available in the generic inquiry PM3080PL.

As @hkabiri mentions, we need a developer to add the Attribute in the column configuration of the Change Order itself.

UDF can’t be added to tabs of Change Orders in screen PM30800

