Server Error from recipient receiving instant notification from system email
I am testing the system email. When I click the “Log in” on the instant notification I receive the error below. Is this an easy fix? Did I miss a setting, or will the customers/vendors need to make this change also when they set up their emails? Please help me understand.
Thank you,
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@bjeter94 Please check Email Preferences (ScreenId=SM204001) and make sure the URL specified on URL to be used for Notification is working if you copy-paste on browser and try to access it. It seems it is incorrect.
Hi Barbie,
It is a good idea to follow Sam’s recommendation and check the URL.
On the other hand , I noticed the source error points to an issue in the web.config line 111, which is strange. Your site may have a second issue.
Was this site customised ? what is there in the line 111 and around? Can you spot any typo error ?
Thank both of you for the answers you provided, I really appreciate your input. It must have been a fluke because after I used the Outlook plug and connected as a contact, the welcome login works now. The URL was correct. We do have our own website as far as the customization.
Have a great day!
I made a few changes in the set up of testing and it is doing it again. I am trying to retrace what I did to make it stop. I did not notice anything in line 111 (highlighted), but I am not a programmer. Let me know if anything jumps out at you.
Thank you,
I want to say thank you again for those who helped me and to let any future readers know that the login email seems to work after 24 hours, but not right away if you experience the same trouble.