Sales Order Approval - Cant create Shipment after SO is Approved
I set approval for SO with every SO type of BM after REMOVE HOLD will be needed to APPROVE before going to the next step.
But after APPROVE, the button CREATE SHIPMENT is disabled and I can't go to the next step.
Please advise if you know how to set it up correctly.
Thank you
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Thank @RoyceLithgo and @manikantad18 for your advice.
FYI, BM is an order type I have copied from SO (using SO template).
As your advice I have checked again and find out that this issue related to the check box and account info on Shipped-Not-Invoice. After removing this account, this issue is solved.
Thanks guys! Have a good day
Hi @chidao
In addition to @RoyceLithgo is this behavior is happening for every SKU? can you do recalculate Inventory once and check the create shipment if this issue remains same with out approval also as above suggested.
I don’t recognise the BM Order Type - is it enabled for Shipments?
Are the items on the order Stock or Non-Stock?
If you remove the approval process does it work?
I can’t see the relationship between approvals and the Create Shipment being disabled. The Approvals just creates a step between On Hold and Open. Create Shipments is only valid once the Order is Open.