We are using a Xerox D35-
Although we have configured it successfully via device hub, we did not actually use that approach in the end.
Using device hub with the scanner, it does require user input in the sense that you have to open up the file browser on the correct record in Acumatica and click ‘scan’.. Otherwise it would have no way of knowing where to put your files.
I am not a fan of networking devices unnecessarily, however, so we just have it plugged into the computer directly. With a single button push on the scanner it will feed documents through and put them in a specified local folder on the connected computer. The user then drags the scans from this folder directly onto the file browser inside Acumatica -- super easy and you do not have to maintain the (pretty buggy) device hub server
@claytonsummers did you ever figure out a good option that plays nicely? We are looking as well.
@xkylewrightx thank you for the reply. I had similar feedback from a few of our users. so your reply solidified that we won’t be using devicehub for this use case. thank you.